laurent tangy
Laurent Tangy is a French cinematographer who was born and raised in Paris, France. He is known for his beautiful photography that he applies seamlessly between the worlds of high end luxury brands and feature films. While he began his career in documentaries, Laurent diversified in 2006 when he shot an MTV-awarded music video for Justice. He has since worked in commercials with world-class brands such as Cartier, Chanel, Armani, YSL, Louis Vuitton, Dior, L’oreal and Coca-Cola.
Laurent is most recognized for his collaboration with director Cédric Jimenez for the feature films The Connection starring Jean Dujardin, a sweeping mafia picture shot exquisitely in 35mm, and HHhH– also known as The Man with the Iron Heart– starring Rosamund Pike, Jason Clarke, Jack O’Connell and Mia Wasikowska. Laurent also shot the TV show The Last Panthers, directed by Johan Renck and starring Samantha Morton, which was a BAFTA nominee for Best Drama. Laurent’s most recent picture, Sink or Swim for director Gilles Lellouche, was selected for the Cannes Festival 2018.
Laurent continues to work in advertising around the world when not working on films, and is fluent in English, Spanish and French.